Everyone deserves a place to belong & do their best work

 Now, more than ever we need to connect with people. Remote work has many benefits, flexibility, autonomy, convenience are a few, but there are downsides. No matter if you are a grizzled veteran to remote work or new to the digital workplace, you will get lonely. At times it can be isolating, less team-oriented and there is more ambiguity. When we face issues or challenges there are fewer people to bounce things off of or get casual feedback. Or maybe you love remote work, but are not apart of a team and miss the camaraderie of a group of peers. If some or all of these aspects resonate with you, join a peer group.

What is a Peer Group?

A peer group is just what it sounds like, a group of peers that meet regularly to process issues, opportunities, and challenges. It is a lightly structured group with a facilitator to keep the conversation moving and on task.

Typically Peer Groups are limited, to 5-7 people with similar roles or professions, but not always. The group has a strict confidentiality agreement. What’s discussed in peer-group, stays in peer group. It is a safe space to open up to the challenges we face and get objective, empathetic, straightforward feedback to the issues in our professional and personal life.

I’ve been facilitating peer groups for some time and it is amazing to see people process issues that they’ve carried around for years. The personal growth that occurs in peer-group is astounding.

Here is what it looks like:

90-minute Zoom session



Topic Processing (a structured format to process issues or challenges)


Additional Peer Group Benefits

A safe space to work out challenges, opportunities or issues with like-minded peers

Fight isolation amid the COVID crisis

Get out of your head

Get objective feedback

See a challenge from multiple perspectives

List of possible solutions for a challenge you face

Know you are not alone

Try a Free Peer Group today!

If you would like to try a peer group fill out the form below. Your first group is free with no expectation to commit.

Free Peer Group Sign-Up